K-State Physics REU: Interactions of Matter, Light and Learning
The K-State Physics REU program offers summer fellowships to do world-class research in our friendly department in the scenic Flint Hills. We are funded by the National Science Foundation.
The K-State Physics Department invites applications for its summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates program.
We offer students an opportunity to perform cutting-edge research here at K-State with one of the research groups in our friendly department. As a student in our program, you will be paired with a faculty mentor who will advise you on a research project for the summer. You will also spend time in a classroom learning directly from the faculty about the physics behind the projects and hearing about other research projects in the department, as well. Philosophy faculty will lead discussions on ethical issues in physics, including case studies of some famous ethical violations in recent years. Throughout the summer, participants will give informal oral updates on their research projects to the members of the cohort, and at the end of the summer, each student will create a web page and give a capstone oral presentation, summarizing their work over the summer.
College students who have completed a course in modern physics are eligible. US citizens and permanent residents are encouraged to apply.*
Finances (Total value of more than $10,000 per student)
- Stipend of $6,365
- Campus housing and meal plan
- Travel expenses to/from Manhattan, KS, up to $1,250
Research Project Areas
These are the projects from which students chose in 2024. Read them over to get an idea of what type of research interests you and indicate your interest on the application form and in your statement if you wish. The 2025 projects will be posted sometime in April.
- Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (AMO)
- Condensed Matter (CM), Soft and Biological Matter Physics
- High Energy Physics (Particle Physics)
- Cosmology (possibility of one or no project to be offered in 2025)
- Physics Education Research
- Check out the 2024 REU projects
2025 REU Application Information
Tentative 2025 Schedule
March 3 |
Rolling admissions begins. Applications will be accepted until all spots are filled. |
~April 15 |
Project descriptions posted. |
~ May 6 |
Incoming students rank preferences for research projects and submit to reu@phys.ksu.edu |
Monday, May 26 |
Students arrive at K-State, move into dorms. Dinner off-campus. |
Tuesday, May 27 |
Students start research, safety training, get parking permits, etc. |
Friday, May 30 |
First public research progress report. |
Thursday, July 4 |
Independence Holiday observance |
Friday, August 1 |
Public presentation of FINAL research report. |
Friday, August 1 |
Last day of program. |
Saturday, August 2 |
Departure |
This program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant number 2244539 . Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.