Fall 2019 Colloquia

All colloquia are held at 4:30 p.m. in CW 102 unless otherwise stated.

Coffee & Cookies will be held at 4:15 p.m. in CW 119.






9/2 University Holiday - Labor Day
9/9 Eleanor Sayre K-State B. DePaola Consequences of asset-based models for physics education
9/16 Daniel Rolles K-State B. DePaola Time-Resolved Studies of Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecules
9/17 Lado Samushia K-State B. DePaola Measuring Properties of our Universe with a Sub-percent Precision
9/23 Daniel Kennefick Univ. of Arkansas B. DePaola A Brief History of Gravitational Wave Emission
9/24, Tues Daniel Kennefick Univ. of Arkansas B. DePaola Neff Lecture: No Shadow of Doubt: The 1919 Eclipse Expeditions that Confirmed Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (CW 103)
9/30 Ketino Kaadze K-State B. DePaola What's Next at the Large Hadron Collider: Fundamental Science with the World's Largest Scientific Instrument
10/7 Lincoln Carr Colorado School of Mines B. DePaola Peterson Lecture: How the Quantum Craze is Changing the World: From the Hilarious Feynman to 300+ Seriously Powerful Quantum Computers (CW 103)
10/8, Tues 3:30 pm Lincoln Carr Colorado School of Mines B. DePaola Where's the Quantum in the Quantum? The Soliton Quantumness Scale and Emergence of a Classical World
10/14 Kevin Lannon Univ. of Notre Dame A. Ivanov Reaching Beyond the LHC Energy with Top Quarks
10/21 Chihway Chang Univ. of Chicago C.D. Lin Decoding the Universe with Cosmic Surveys
10/28 Robynne Lock TAMUC E. Sayre Physics Together: Engaging Young Women in Physics with STEP UP
11/4 Andrew Weiner Purdue Univ. S. Hosseini-Zavareh Photonic Signal Processing: Ultrafast, Broadband, and Quantum
11/5, Tues Bharat Ratra K-State B. DePaola
Nobel Prize in Physics Lecture: The Accelerating Expanding Universe:
11/11 Meenakshi Narain Brown Univ. K. Kaadze
11/18 Yong-Le Pan

US Army Research Laboratory

M. Berg Real-time detection and characterization of biological and chemical aerosol particles at a trace level in atmosphere
11/25 Thanksgiving Break
12/2 Mustapha Ishak Univ. of Texas at Dallas L. Samushia The Acceleration of the Cosmos and Tests of Gravity at Large-Scales in the Universe

Colloquium Committee: Ellie Sayre (Chair), Andrew Ivanov, Chii-Dong Lin, Bharat Ratra, Gary Wysin, and Javad-Seyyed Robatjazi

F19 | S19 | F18| S18| S17 | F16 | S16 | F15 | S15 | F14 | S14 | F13 | S13 |F12 | S12 |F11 |S11 | F10 |S10 | F09 |S09