Spring 2014 Colloquia
All colloquia are held at 4:30 p.m. in CW 102 unless otherwise stated.
Date |
Speaker |
Institution |
Host |
Title |
1/21, Tues. | Jun Ye | UC-Boulder | Amit Chakrabarti | Making a Clock |
1/22, Wed. | Eleanor Sayre | K-State | Amit Chakrabarti | Students Develop Identity as Physicists |
1/27, Mon. | Jeremy Schmit | K-State | Amit Chakrabarti | Many-body Protein Systems: Challenges of Timescale and Resolution |
2/24, Mon. | Joe Redish | Univ. of Maryland | Dean Zollman | Reinventing Introductory Physics for Life Scientists (IPLS) |
3/3, Mon. | Yurii Maravin | K-State | Amit Chakrabarti | Special Lecture: Discovering the Higgs Boson (Leadership Studies, Town Hall) |
3/10, Mon. | Steven Cundiff | JILA/Univ. of Colorado | Carlos Trallero | Optical Multi-Dimensional Coherent Spectoscopy |
3/17, Mon. | Spring Break | |||
3/24, Mon. | Angelo Bongiorno | Georgia Tech | Robert Szoszkiewicz | Physical Chemistry of Functionalized Epitaxial Graphene |
4/1, Tues. |
Adrian Melott | Univ. of Kansas | Amit Chakrabarti | Peterson Lecture: Death from the Skies: Astrophysical Threats to Life on Earth (Town Hall, Leadership Studies) |
4/7, Mon. | Adams Myers | Univ. of Wyoming | Glenn Horton-Smith | Prospects for Probing Primordial Physics with Quasars |
4/14, Mon. | Martin Stockli | Oak Ridge National Lab | Kevin Carnes | Boosting Neutron-based Research by Ramping the SNS Accelerator to 1 MW |
4/21, Mon. | See Leang Chin | Univ. Laval Canada | C.D. Lin | When a Dot of Intense Laser Light Pierces through Air.... |
4/28, Mon. | Edward Farhi | MIT | Amit Chakrabarti | Physics Based Approaches to Quantum Computing |
4/29, Tues. |
Edward Farhi | MIT | Amit Chakrabarti | Neff Lecture: Quantum Computing (Leadership Studies, Town Hall) |
Colloquium Committee
Glenn Horton-Smith (Chair), Bharat Ratra, Ellie Sayre, Robert Szoszkiewicz
Previous Colloquiua
S14 | F13 | S13 |F12 | S12 |F11 |S11 | F10 |S10 | F09 |S09 |F08 |S08 | F07 | S07 |F06