
As a service to the community, the physics department provides the list at the bottom of this page of its members who have expressed an interest in being private tutors. Before contacting any of these individuals, please note the following:

For K-State students, the department views hiring a private tutor as the option of last resort for getting help in physics. We strongly encourage you to first make use of the resources below, given in order of highest to lowest value, in our opinion, which you have already paid for with your tuition and fees:

  1. Your course lead instructor’s office hours. See your course syllabus on Canvas.
  2. Your course studio or recitation instructor’s office hours. Contact your instructor.
  3. The Math/Physics Help Room, Cardwell 41. Office hours are posted on the door.
  4. For engineering students, Scholars Assisting Scholars (k-state.edu/student-success/sas/).
  5. For all students: free tutoring services provided by the K-State Student Academic Achievement Center ( https://www.k-state.edu/aac/tutoring/ ).


The Kansas State Physics Department assumes no responsibility for:

  1. Determining whether its members acting as private tutors are effective.
  2. Establishing compensation rates for its members acting as private tutors.
  3. Determining whether any individual is legally allowed to work as a private tutor.
  4. Monitoring whether members acting as private tutors follow laws and practices required for business transactions.

Any violation of rules of Kansas State University by any university employee may be reported through appropriate channels. See https://www.k-state.edu/report/here-to-help/reporting.html for details.

Private Tutors