Software Index
Original Programs
Quantum Motion,used in Waves of Matter Unit 10, is no longer available. A suitable substitute is for a simple wave packet spreading is Time Development of a Wave Packet (QuVIS). To have students set up other situations involving time evolution of wave packets we recommend Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets (PhET)
Additional programs
Franck-Hertz Experiment (Windows, Mac)
ERROR WARNING: For neon, the grid voltages are too low by a factor of 10. When working with neon, multiply the values of VG by 10 in all 3 places that it appears.
Hydrogen Spectroscopy (Windows only)
Zeeman Effect Experiment (Windows only)
Semiconductor Device Simulator (Windows only)
Two error messages will appear when the program starts. Click OK for each and the program seems to run fine.
Online versions of VQM software
The version of Flash used for these programs is no longer supported by Adobe. Thus, our programs no longer run in contemporary browsers. To use VQM programs please download the off-line versions that are linked above.
Spectroscopy Lab Suite
Gas emission
Gas absorption
LED emission
Incandescent Lamp
Diode laser
Helium Neon Laser
IR detector card
Hydrogen Spectroscopy
Diffraction Suite
Single slit
Double slit
Wave function sketcher
Probability illustrator
Quantum Tunneling
Wave Packet Explorer
Energy band creator
Potential energy diagram sketcher
Zeeman Effect
Franck-Hertz Experiment