Jeremy Schmit
330 Cardwell Hall
Personal Webpage
Ph.D. 2005, University of California, Santa Barbara
B.A. 1999, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Research Area
Theoretical Soft Condensed Matter and Biological Physics
- Biomolecule phase separation
- Amyloid fibril formation
- Drug formulations
- Self-assembly
Research Support
- Amgen, Inc.
- National Institutes of Health
Graduate Advisees
- Terry Salava, Jr., PhD
Recent Selected Publications
J.D. Schmit, M. Feric, and M. Dundr, “How Hierarchical Interactions Make Membraneless Organelles Tick Like Clockwork", Trends Biochem. Sci. 46, 525-534 (2021) [Link]
K. Bhandari, M.A. Cotten, J. Kim, M.K. Rosen, and J.D. Schmit, “Structure–Function Properties in Disordered Condensates", J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 467–476 (2021) [Link]
Z. Jia, J. D. Schmit, and J. Chen, “Amyloid assembly is dominated by misregistered kinetic traps on an unbiased energy landscape”, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 117, 10322-10328 (2020) [Link]
J. D. Schmit, J. J. Bouchard, E. W. Martin, and T. Mittag, “Protein network structure enables switching between liquid and gel states”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 874-883 (2020) [Link]
Y.R. Dahal and J.D. Schmit, “Ion Specificity and Nonmonotonic Protein Solubility from Salt Entropy”, Biophys. J 114, 76 (2018) [Link]