8/21 |
No Colloquium - The 2017 Total Solar Eclipse |
8/28 |
Brett DePaola |
K-State |
Welcome Back |
9/4 |
University Holiday - Labor Day |
9/5 |
Shambhu Ghimire |
SLAC National Accelerator Lab |
Lin |
Strong-field Physics in Dense Media
9/11 |
Michael Ranney |
UC Berkeley |
DePaola |
Science, Numeracy, and Representations: Under-Appreciated Links Among Math, Physics, Other Sciences, Ethics, and Society (CW 102) |
9/12 |
Michael Ranney |
UC Berkeley |
DePaola |
Neff Lecture: Welcome, Climate-Change Skeptics! Raising Acceptance of Human-Caused Global Warming With Information (Union - Forum Hall) |
9/18 |
Daniel Rolles |
K-State |
DePaola |
How to Make a Molecular Movie
9/19 |
Yurii Maravin |
K-State |
DePaola |
K-State at the Energy Frontier
9/25 |
Peter G Schunemann |
BAE Systems |
Wilson |
Advances in nonlinear optical crystals for the mid-infrared
9/26 |
Bret Flanders |
K-State |
DePaola |
Radio Frequency Electrochemical Crystallization—Crystal Growth One Atom at a Time
10/2 |
Olivier Dore |
Samushia |
Studying inflation with Large scale structures: Life on the non-Gaussianity Frontier
10/9 |
Robert Continetti |
UC San Diego |
Ben-Itzhak |
Dissociation Dynamics and Particle Impacts: From Schrödinger to Newton
10/30 |
Emil Sidky |
Univ. of Chicago |
Lin |
Recent Advances in X-ray Tomographic Imaging
11/6 |
Daniel M. Neumark |
UC Berkeley |
Ben-Itzhak |
Ultrafast Dynamics in Atoms, Molecules, and Solids Studied with Attosecond Light Pulses
11/13 |
Stephen Martin |
Northern Illinois Univ. |
Ratra |
Beyond Minimal Supersymmetry at the LHC
11/20 |
Thanksgiving Break |
11/27 |
Danny Caballero |
Michigan State Univ. |
Laverty |
How might Physics Education Research facilitate the coming computational revolution?
11/28 |
Osku Kemppinen |
K-State |
Berg |
In-situ measurement of large aerosols
12/4 |
Daniel Mackowski |
Auburn Univ. |
Berg |
A plane wave model for direct simulation of reflection and transmission by discretely inhomogeneous plane parallel media
12/5 |
Arjun Nepal |
K-State |
Sorensen |
Controlled Hydrocarbon Detonation technique to Mass-produce Graphene Nanosheets