Pretty pictures

All imagines made in gnuplot

Top left: comparing the KER for H2+. The blue line is the Fourier transform without projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse, green the Fourier transform with projecting out bound state propagated after the pulses. Red (covered by the other lines at high energies) is the exact method.
Top right: same as top left except for D2+.
Bottom left: exact KER vs energy and CEP for H2+.
Bottom right: exact KER vs energy and CEP for D2+.

Top left: exact asymmetry H2+.
Top right: exact asymmetry D2+.
Middle left: Fourier transform with projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse asymmetry H2+.
Middle right: Fourier transform with projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse asymmetry D2+.
Bottom left: Fourier transform without projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse asymmetry H2+.
Bottom right: Fourier transform without projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse asymmetry D2+.

Top left: exact KER H2.
Top right: exact KER D2.
Bottom left: Fourier transform with projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse KER H2.
Bottom right: Fourier transform with projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse KER D2.

Top left: Fourier transform with projecting out bound states right after the pulse KER H2+.
Top right: Fourier transform with projecting out bound states right after the pulse KER D2+.
Middle left: Fourier transform with projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse KER H2+.
Middle right: Fourier transform with projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse KER D2+.
Bottom left: Fourier transform without projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse KER H2+.
Bottom right: Fourier transform without projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse KER D2+.

Top left: exact asymmetry H2.
Top right: exact asymmetry D2.
Bottom left: Fourier transform with projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse asymmetry H2.
Bottom right: Fourier transform with projecting out bound states propagated after the pulse asymmetry D2.

The wavefunction for the ninth vibrational state for incoherent H2+ propogated after the pulse. The red represents the function corresponding to 1sσg and the green to the 2pσu channel. The blue line shows where we "cut" the function and say anything to the left is bounded and to the right continous.