2012 Neff Public Lecture
Steven A. Hawley
Former Astronaut and Professor of Physics & Astronomy, University of Kansas
Wings in Orbit
Monday, March 26, 2012
4:30 p.m.
Leadership Studies, McVay Family Town Hall
Between 1981 and 2011, five Space Shuttles flew 135 missions with Atlantis completing the final mission last July. Dr. Hawley will share his perspectives on the challenges and accomplishments of the Space Shuttle program.
Dr. Hawley, a Kansas native, was born in Ottawa and grew up in Salina. He received a BA in physics & astronomy from the University of Kansas in 1973 and a PhD in astronomy & astrophysics from the University of California in 1977. In 1978, he was among the first group selected by NASA for its space shuttle program. He is a veteran of five space flights, retiring from NASA in 2008. His first flight was on the maiden Shuttle Discovery in 1984 and his
final flight was on Columbia in 1999, which deployed the Chandra X-ray Observatory