Spring 2020 Colloquia
All colloquia are held at 4:30 p.m. in CW 102 unless otherwise stated.
Date |
Speaker |
Institution |
Host |
Title |
2/3 | Scott Franklin | RIT | E. Sayre | Entangled granular materials |
2/10 | Steve Whitelam | Lawrence Berkeley National Lab | J. Schmit | Learning to grow: control of materials self-assembly using evolutionary reinforcement learning |
2/17 | Loren Greenman | K-State | B. DePaola | |
3/2 | Robert Baker | Ohio State Chemistry | C. Blaga | Watching Electrons Move at Surfaces: Visualizing Charge and Spin Dynamics Using Ultrafast XUV Spectroscopy |
3/9 | Spring Break |
Colloquium Committee: Ellie Sayre (Chair), Andrew Ivanov, Chii-Dong Lin, Bharat Ratra, Gary Wysin, and Javad-Seyyed Robatjazi