Mu2e Cosmic Ray Veto: Counter Errors Influence on Detection

Daniel Tafone

Ramapo College

Engineering Physics Major

Mentored by Dr. Tim Bolton and Dr. Glenn Horton-Smith

The following project uses Binomial Distribution formula to assess the effects of a dead counter within a module of the CRV. If one out of four counters was not function, all possible paths through that counter were compromised (going from up to down).

Model of the Counters of a CRV Module

Fig. 1: Model of the Counters of a CRV Module

In the made simulation, an average of 24 of 2304 paths fell below the 99.99% required for the CRV's efficiency standard, resulting in an unusable module.

Model of Simulation

Fig. 2: Model of Simulation

The simulations tests every possible path below 45 degrees of the horizontal axis, rotations of each path are used additionally because it is three-dimensional.

Patterns Used

Fig. 3: Patterns Used

Rotation of Patterns

Fig. 4: Rotation of Patterns

The compromised paths can be corrected by increasing the sensitivity of the those specific paths to register a muon that is detected by 2 of the 3 working counters. This will increase the accuracy of those paths to slightly above the 99.99% requirement, allowing the module to be used without replacing the counter. Limiting the sensitivity to the area of influence around the broken counter prevents the entire module from becoming hypersensitive.

Area of Influence

Fig. 5: Area of Influence

This sensitivity correction can also be used to correct any amount of broken counters, as longs as they are independent of each other's paths. If two or more counters are broken in a single path, the correction fails.


I would like to thank NSF for grant funding and KSU physics educators and staff for all their help and encouragement.

Final Presentation
