K-State Physics News

González K-State Physics Neff Lecture Slated for October 16

QuarkNet group featured in the Spotlight Section of the QuarkNet Friday Flyer

Alumnus recipient of prestigious NASA award

Dr. Ratra shares his thoughts on The Accelerating Expanding Universe

Philosophy and physics awarded NSF grant to improve responsible conduct of research training

Physicist, author Sylvester Gates to speak at K-State

Dr. Bharat Ratra to speak at Cowley College on September 13

Physics faculty member conducts field school in Rwanda

Jackie (BS '69, MS '72) Spears named acting associate dean for academic affairs at K-State Olathe

Professor Tim Bolton serves as co-editor on Interim Design Report for construction of gigantic particle detector modules involving more than 1,000 scientists from 32 countries

Summers awarded Laser Technology, Engineering and Applications Scholarship

K-State plasmonic light enhancement research featured on cover of leading physics journal

Berg to Deliver Keynote Address at International Conference

MicroBooNE measures charged-particle multiplicity in first neutrino-beam-based result by recent Physics PhD Rafique and thesis advisor Bolton

Physics graduate student work leads to grant award

Physicist joins major international project mapping universe's expansion

Physics/Math undergraduate major among three students who receive Goldwater honorable mentions

Physics staff members recognized for years of service

Physics Major Benjamin Archibeque among Kansas State University students, alumni who receive National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships

KSU promotes 82 faculty members, 47 receive tenure including Bret Flanders and Yurii Maravin

Ratra to speak at Fort Hays State University's Science Cafe on April 10

Arts and Sciences associate dean visits Capitol Hill

Princeton scientist presenting Peterson lecture on questions surrounding origin of our universe

Physics to Participate in K-State Open House April 7

K-State physics research team publishes work on digital holography

Kristan Corwin named associate dean for research in College of Arts and Sciences

Senior physics major Sarah Peterson among students receiving OURCI spring 2018 research award