Photos blah blah

       By: Tia Camarillo

        Supervisor:  Bharat Ratra

Kansas State University Physics Department  REU Program


Below, I describe the Project Overview, my Research Description, Another Description, my Research Progress, and will eventually post my Final Presentation and Final Report.  I post my homework assignments from our weekly REU scientific Ethics class, taught by Prof. Bruce Glymour , and my reaction to Prof. Larry Weaver's Lectures.   Scroll all the way down to learn more About Me.  Finally, I've included some Useful Links.  Here’s a page of my photos.  See my new bookmark. 


Useful Links: 

I have found the following links particularly informative or useful:

American Physical Society Statements on Ethics

American Institute of Physics

My Research group's home page



This program is funded by the National Science Foundation through grant number PHYS-1461251.  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.