KSU image.pngBonnies images.pngIon Beam Buncher

by Mary Harner

supervisor:  Dr. Itzik Ben-Itzhak

Kansas State University Physics  REU Program

Project Overview:


Bunching an ion beam in time is not a novel idea, the novel aspect of the project I worked on this summer is the method used.  This project focuses on building an ion buncher that performs at equal to or higher efficiency than a typical buncher by apply a single voltage change quickly to a segment of an ion beam.  This buncher will be used primarily for two experiments.  For a collisions experiment this will provide a useful initial time measurement.  This allows for more accurate time of flight measurements.  For laser experiments a bunch is useful for increased density.  With these goals in mind the buncher was designed with shortest possible pulse lengths and highest possible density.


Research Description:

During my REU I worked on simulations that tested different possible geometries for this buncher searching for the design that would best fit the aforementioned requirements.  I was then faced with the practical difficulties of actually designing the device to be built.  This was an excellent use of my first research experience because it provided a comprehensive bridge from theoretical concepts to physical results.


I worked primarily with the programs Simion, Origin, and Mathmatica to build simulations to test buncher designs.  

Week One: Math Basics

For the first week I familiarized myself with the project and worked through the basic math that the project was based on (see slide three of the Final Presentation). 

Week Two: Program Orientation

For the second week I spent a majority of my time creating programs in mathmatica from the equations found in week one.  These programs were used to find possible geometries for the buncher.  I also familiarized myself with Origin and Simion.

Week Three: Simulations Begin

For the third week I built my first geometry files for Simion and began running simulations on ion.  I used origin to graph the results of the simulation and began looking for the best method to interpret the information.

Week Four: Choosing a Working Geometry

Of the previously created geometry files I chose one to focus my tests on and began testing the geometry more vigorously to determine if the buncher concept would work.

Week Five: Tails

For the Fifth week I focused my attention of the tails, the ions that were not being forced into the bunch.  I determined what was causing the tails.  It was decided a chopper could be used to eliminate them.

Week Six: Magnification

For the sixth week I looked into the magnification in the y direction.  I began looking for a solution to this problem.

Week Seven: Voltage Dependence

For the seventh week I investigated the affects changing the voltage had on the Time of Flight, density, and magnification.  I had hoped I might be able to reduce the magnification by changing the voltage but this wasn’t the case.  I also discovered that when the voltage was raised to high the time pulse split into two peaks. 

Week Eight: New Geometry

For the eighth week I began running tests on a geometry with design practicality in mind.  I lengthened a portion of the buncher to increase density and lengthened the inner diameter to better accommodate the beam and allow easier tuning.

Week Nine: Design

For the ninth week I designed the physical buncher.  Based on part availability and physical constraints of the system I altered the geometry from week eight slightly and ran a few quick simulatiosn.

Week Ten: Parts

For the tenth week I ordered the parts that I could not find in the lab and left a drawing of how I believed the device should be assembled.


Final Presentation:


PowerPoint PDF (incomplete)

Power Point Outline (incomplete)


About Me:

I’m a final semester Physics student at St. Bonaventure University.
