High Energy Physics (HEP)

        by Andres R. Medina

        Supervisors:  Dr. Tim Bolton, Dr. Glenn Horton-Smith, and Dr. David McKee

Kansas State University Physics Department  REU Program


This program is funded by the National Science Foundation through grant number PHY-1157044.  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Welcome to my webpage.  This page summarizes my experience doing research for the Summer 2012 in the lab of Dr. Strangelove.  I am trying to disprove the quirky theory called quantum mechanics by demonstrating that a wildcat cannot be both alive and dead at the same time.

Below, I describe the Project Overview, my Research Description, my Research Progress, and will eventually post my Final Presentation and Final Report.  I post my homework assignments from our weekly REU scientific Ethics class, taught by Prof. Bruce Glymour, and my reaction to Prof. Larry Weaver's Lectures.   Scroll all the way down to learn more About Me.  Finally, I've included some Useful Links.  Here’s a page of my posting.  See my new bookmark. 

Here is Schrödinger's wildcat.

Project Overview:  This is 1-2 paragraphs suitable for a congressperson

Research Description:  This can be a detailed description of your approach to your research, in step-y-step style, or a final report type review of your activities and findings. 

Research Progress:  I have made great progress!  Here are some of my data.

Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


Day 4


Day 5


Day 6


Final Presentation:  Click here to download my presentation in powerpoint and pdf formats. (still working on it)

Final Report: Not done yet... I just started.

Lectures by Dr. Weaver:  Summary of interesting points.

First 2 weeks, we learned ??? I really  liked the discussion of ???, but struggled to understand ??

Ethics Class:

Class 1: A case study was presented.  My opinion is: 

Class2:  We discussed the many reasons scientists might be tempted to offer a recommendation on public policy, and the pros and cons of them doing so.  Our homework assignment was 2-fold.

1)  Read 3 consecutive issues of Science or Nature, and determine what fraction offer a recommendation on public policy.

2)  Look up the ethics code of the American Physical Society, identify which parts correspond to Deantic and which to Consequential reasoning, and identify an imaginary case in which different pieces of the ethics code would conflict.

About Me:  I'm really interesting!  I grew up in Transylvania, and attend College at ??.  I first got interested in physics when...?  I'm involved in Physics club and ultimate frisbee, (frisbees are very useful in the studies of dead cats.)

Useful Links: 

When I'm not killing cats, I like to surf the web.  Check out these useful sites:

American Physical Society Statements on Ethics

American Institute of Physics

My Research group's home page