Anatomy of an Experiment


Testing the magnetic field sensors.

In double CHOOZ, absolute precision is going to be the key. We're trying to pin down a neutrino mass and mixing angle which is currently too low for our current detectors. Therefore, not only do we have to carefully monitor the neutrinos, but the detector itself will be under constant scrutiny. Just outside the main tank of the detectors will be a concentric tank of a clear buffering oil, in which will be placed an array of thermometers and magnetic field sensors to monitor the inside of the main tank. We've been testing the magnetic field sensors for their calibration and sensitivity so far.


Solenoids, to produce a constant magnetic field.

Our state-of-the-art electronics, which includes a linux interface

which neither Richard and I know how to run yet.


Our circuit board which may or may not work

[Correction 6/15/07: the circuit did work, but not correctly]