Class 3: C++ part I

C-inherited syntax

Function definitions

Basic function definitions consist of
function_type function_name ( argument_list ) { function_body }

where function_type is the type of the functions return value (like int or double), and argument_list is a comma-separated list of variable declarations.

For example:

double FahrenheitToCelsius(double T_degF)
  double T_degC;
  T_degC = (T_degF - 32.0)/1.8;
  return T_degC;

Pass-by-value vs. pass-by-reference

Parameters (aka arguments) in C are generally [1] "passed by value": the value is copied into a new variable to be used as the function argument.

C++ also allows "pass by reference":

[1]Exception: arrays passed to a function are passed by reference, even in C.

Exercise 1: pass by value vs. pass by reference

Compare these two function definitions:

double FahrenheitToCelsius1(double T)   // pass by value
  T = (T - 32.0)/1.8;  // reusing T -- bad practice!
  return T;

double FahrenheitToCelsius2(double & T)  // pass by reference
  T = (T - 32.0)/1.8;
  return T;

Try them out and see what they do. (Write a main() for this.) Can you call FahrenheitToCelsius1(32.0)? Can you call FahrenheitToCelsius2(32.0)?

Moral of Exercise 1

Be careful to remember which function arguments are pass-by-value and which are pass-by-reference.

Scope of variable definitions

A variable defined inside the body of one function is completely different from a variable of the same name defined in the body of another function:

double FahrenheitToCelsius3(double T_degF)
  double T_degC;
  T_degC = (T_degF-32.0)*5.0/9.0;
  return T_degC;

double FahrenheitToCelsius4(double T_degF)
  double T_degC;
  T_degC = (T_degF+40.0)/1.8-40.0;
  return T_degC;


Flow control

basic if

if (expr) {

Does statements if expr is non-zero, where expr can be any expression.


if ( x > 100 && u > 0.0 ) {
   u= -u;
   x= 100;

basic if/else

if (expr) {
else {

Does first block if expr is non-zero, otherwise does second.

if / else if / ... / else

if (expr) {
else if (expr2) {
else if ...

and so on and so forth, optionally ending in:

else {

looping: while and do

basic while basic do while
 while (expr) {
do {
} while (expr);
repeats statements as long as expr is non-zero does statements, then repeats as long as expr non-zero

loop shortcuts: break, and continue

looping: for

loop using for ... is exactly identical to this...
for (expr1; expr2; expr3) {
while (expr2) {
  ... with one exception.

The one way a for is different from a while is that a continue inside the for loop will execute expr3 before going back to the beginning.

Example: print an asterisk in column n

void printStarAt(int n)
  using namespace std;
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<n; i=i+1)
    cout << ' ';
  cout << "*\n";

Exercise 2: 1-d bouncing "ball" (asterisk)


Work together to define the algorithm, and I'll code it according to your directions.

Assignment: "Adventure"

Make a simple interactive "text adventure game" that repeatedly asks user for "commands" and then gives responses.

Simple example:

Classic example:

You don't have to set up a really big adventure, just implement a few commands in a loop and some reasonable responses. Have fun.