About Me


I am in the class of 2009 at the University of Redlands. There I am one of four in the class majoring in physics. There I’m known as Biker Dave thanks to a ’76 Harley that I manage to keep running as I kick start my way to class each day. An easy wardrobe of plain T-shirts and jeans, along with a tendency to give the thumbs up makes me known as Fonz most everywhere – even Kansas.

I was lucky enough to get a newer bike – 2003 Harley – to make the trip out from Southern California to K-State. I stayed off the Interstates, ate wherever locals at gas stations recommended and camped when it started to get dark – sometimes at an official campground, sometimes not. I took the ‘long way’ because I love America and the more I can see of her the better.  

Studying physics is fascinating for me because I always am after how things work. The best times during this REU program was getting the end results to calibrations and resolutions and all of the time spent building the electronics. That said, I’m more on the applied than theoretical side of the divide and upon graduation will be pursuing graduate school in applied physics.