Complete Vitae

                                                                                  Last update: 3/14/2013



Name: Chii-Dong Lin   


Title:    University Distinguished Professor

               Associate Director of the J. R. Macdonald Laboratory

               Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66502


                Tel: (785)532 1617    Fax: (785)532 6806      e-mail:



           Ph. D.  University of Chicago, 1974 

           B. S.    National Taiwan University, 1969



·         University Distinguished Professor,  1990-present   

·         Center Fellow, National Center of Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan  January-July 2004

·         JILA-University of Colorado visiting fellow May-November 1995

·         Visiting Professor, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, Jan-July 1996   

·         Visiting Professor, National Taiwan University, Jan. 1987-July 1987

·         Argonne Visiting Scientist, Sept. 1986-Jan. 1987

·         Professor, Kansas State University, 1984-Present 

·         Associate Professor, Kansas State University, 1980-l984

·         Assistant Professor, Kansas State University, 1976-1980

·         Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University 1974-1976




·         A JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) visiting Fellow ( Oct 23-Dec.10, 2012)

·         A FAST Fellow—named lecture series speaker at ETH, Switzerland (September 8-15, 2012)

·         Named Top 150 scientists of Kansas by Ad Astra Kansas Initiative

Committees of Professional Organizations (since 2000 )


·         Organizing Committee, International Conference on few-body systems, 2000

·         DAMOP Fellowship Committee, 2001-2003

·         ISIAC Program committee  2004

·         HCI program committee   2006-2009

·         ICOMP Program Committee 2008

·         Chair, 2nd International Conference of  Attosecond Physics, held in Manhattan, Kansas State University 2009

·         DAMOP Executive Committee (elected)  2009-2012

·         ICOMP Program Committee 2011-14

·         Attosecond Conference Program Committee 2011-2014


*DAMOP: Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics of the American Physical Society

         * ISIAC:  International Seminar of Ion-Atom Collisions

         * HCI:    Highly Charged Ions Conference

         * ICOMP:  International Conference on Multiphoton Processes



Research Grants (since 2000 )


 2012-2015  Single P.I. DOE grant ($459,000)

                   DOE –JRM grant (my portion is $280,000 per year)

 2009-2012 Total ( $428,000/year)

 2006-2009  Total ( $478,000/year)

         DOE imaging grant $148,000  ($438,000 9/1/06-8/31/09, renewed)

         DOE-JRM grant      $280,000  

         NSF                          $50,000  

 2005   DOE-JRM grant ($280,000)

 2004   DOE-JRM grant ($280,000)

   2003   DOE-JRM grant ($280,000)

2002   DOE-JRM grant ($280,000)

   2001   DOE-JRM  grant ($290,000)

   2000   DOE-JRM  grant ($290,000)  


   *DOE: US Department of Energy

     *DOE-JRM grant: DOE grant to the J. R. Macdonald (JRM) Laboratory is a block grant of

                    $2,500,000 per year. The cited amount is the portion allocated to my projects.

   *NSF: U.S. National Science Foundation


Research Expertise and Accomplishments


    Short summary


·         Proposed a new set of quantum numbers for describing the correlation and classification of  doubly excited states of atoms that have been adopted in the literature.

·         One of the pioneers in using hyperspherical coordinates for studying three-body systems

·         Originator of the molecular tunneling ionization theory (MO-ADK)  and of the quantitative rescattering (QRS) theory in strong field physics, as well as laser-induced electron diffraction (LIED) for dynamic imaging of molecules.

·         Established theories for low-energy and medium-energy ion-atom collisions


One review article has been written for each of these four topics.


 Expanded description:



    During my PhD training under U. Fano, I investigated many-body effects in atomic photoionization and developed hyperspherical coordinates for studying doubly excited states of helium, following the footstep initiated by J. Macek.  As a postdoc, I worked with A. Dalgarno and Walter Johnson on relativistic Random-phase approximation  to obtain accurate radiative transition rates and later photoionization cross sections for atoms.  Paper A6 of the Important Publications [see below]  below from 1979 [cited 155 times] is a representative one.



    In 1976 I was hired as a visiting Assistant Professor at Kansas State University. I began to look into charge transfer processes for collisions between energetic ions from accelerators with atoms. Later, multiply charged ions produced from other ion sources (ECR, EBIT) became available, and I was involved in developing the theory for collisions of such ions with atoms and molecules.  An example is paper A5 (cited 126 times) . A review paper B3 (cited 295 times)  on this topic was published in 1991.


  During this time period, I continued to pursue two-electron correlations in doubly excited states. The main point of this problem is that the conventional independent particle model (or Hartree-Fock theory) is unable to classify doubly excited states, thus a new set of quantum numbers are needed. The classification scheme was finally proposed in Paper A4 (cited 266 times) , in 1984. Today this classification scheme is nearly universally used by the atomic physics community. A review on this topic was given in B4 (cited 337 times), published in 1986.



 During this period, I was involved in extending the classification schemes to triply excited states.  We have succeeded in this effort, but there had been no experimental activities. In the meantime, I was involved in extending the hyperspherical coordinates from two-electron atoms to any three-body systems. This method treats any three-body systems on equal footing.  A review of the method was published in Phys. Report in 1995, see B2 (cited 290 times). The hyperspherical method has since  been used  in many areas, including three-body recombination and Effimov states in cold atoms physics, by Chris Greene, Brett Esry, and others, and by my group in low-energy atomic collisions, and positron-atom collisions.



 Since 2002, my research has shifted completely to strong field physics, i.e., the study of atoms and molecules in an intense infrared laser. Kansas State University entered this area in 2001, including all the experimentalists and theorists in the DOE-supported J R Macdonald Laboratory. Since then, my group has made a number of important contributions. The first is the development of the tunneling ionization theory for molecules, called MO-ADK, published in 2002, see A3 (cited 289 times) of IP. This simple theory makes it possible to study strong field ionization of molecules. Our next major contribution is the development of the so-called quantitative rescattering (QRS) theory.   The QRS was first reported in 2008, in  A2 (124 citations) .  It has been extended to study high-order harmonic generation and in high-energy photoelectrons. 


  A consequence of the QRS is our proposal  of using electrons generated from laser for imaging the structure of molecules. This laser-induced electron diffraction (LIED) can achieve sub-Angstrom spatial resolution and few-femtosecond temporal resolution.  This was first demonstrated in 2012 in collaboration with Lou DiMauro’s group and the result was reported in Nature,  see A1 (cited 15 times so far).  An invited review paper on QRS was published in 2010, see B1 (cited 61 times).



Important Publications


A.      Original Papers    


A1.  Cosmin I Blaga, Junliang Xu, A. D. DiChiara, E. Sistrunk, K Zhang, Terry Miller, P. Agostini and L.  F. DiMauro and C. D. Lin, “Imaging ultrafast molecular dynamics with laser-induced electron diffraction”, Nature (Letter) 483, 194-197 (2012). Cited 15 times


A2.  Toru Morishita, A. T. Le, Z-J Chen, and C. D. Lin. "Accurate retrieval of structural information from laser-induced photoelectron and high-order harmonic spectra by few-cycle laser pulse", Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 013903 (2008).                           Cited 124 times


A3.  X. M. Tong, Z. X. Zhao and C. D. Lin, "Theory of molecular tunneling ionization", Phys. Rev. A66, 033402 (2002).                             Cited 289 times


A4.  C. D. Lin "Classification and Supermultiplet Structure of Doubly Excited States," Phys. Rev. A29, 1019 (1984).                                  Cited 266 times


A5. W. Fritsch and C. D. Lin "Atomic-Orbital Expansion Studies of Electron Transfer in Bare Nucleus Z (Z=2,4-8)-Hydrogen Collisions," Phys. Rev. A291, 3039 (1984).    Cited 126 times


A6. W. R. Johnson and C. D. Lin "Multi-Channel Relativistic Random Phase Approximation for the Photoionization of Atoms," Phys. Rev. A20, 964 (1979).            Cited 155 times



B.      Review Articles


          B1.  C. D. Lin, A. T. Le, Z. J. Chen, T. Morishita and R. Lucchese, “ Strong field rescattering physics—self-imaging of a molecule by its own electrons”, Topical Review, J. Phys. B43, 122001 (2010).                              Cited  61 times


        B2. C. D. Lin "Hyperspherical coordinate approach to atomic and Coulombic three-body systems",  Phys. Rept. 257, 1 (1995).                     Cited 290 times


       B3. W. Fritsch and C. D. Lin " Theory of ion-atom collisions- Coupled Channel Methods,", Phys. Rept. 202, 1 (1991).                                       Cited 295 times


       B4. C. D. Lin "Doubly excited states, including new classification schemes," Advances in Atomic Mol. Phys., Vol. 22, 77-142 (1986)             cited 337 times





           Total number of papers published: 375

           Total citations:  about   9600

            H-index:   47

            Average citations per item:  25.7



                                         Data of  3/11/2013


               Citations each year                       publications each year                          






Publication List



 Full Publication List in Refereed Journals


 Total published referred papers: 378


 Please go to:


for the up-to-date list.




Books published:

Review of Fundamental Processes and Applications of Atoms and Ions,  editor, World Scientific, 1993




Review articles:


1.C. D. Lin, A. T. Le, Z. J. Chen and Toru Morishita, “ Strong field rescattering physics  - Self Imaging of molecules by their own electrons”,  J. Physics B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics,  B43, 122001 (2010).


2. C. D. Lin "Hyperspherical coordinate approach to atomic and Coulombic three-body systems", Phys. Rept. 257, 1-83 (1995).


3. W. Fritsch and C. D. Lin " Theory of ion-atom collisions- Coupled Channel Methods,", Phys. Rept. 202, 1-97 (1991)


4. C. D. Lin "Doubly excited states, including new classification schemes," Advances in Atomic Mol. Phys., Vol. 22, 77-142 (1986)


5. C. D. Lin and P. Richard "Inner-Shell Vacancy Production in Ion-Atom Collisions," Adv. in Atomic Mol. Physics, Vol. 17, p. 275-348, (1981).



Book Chapters Published:


1.      Wei-Chun Chu and C. D. Lin, “Probing and controlling the autoionization dynamics with attosecond light pulses”, in Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser science IX. Ed K. Yamanouchi and K. Midorikawa, Springer 2013.


2.      X. M. Tong and C. D. Lin , "Probing orbital symmetries and ionization dynamics of simple molecules with femtosecond laser pulses,"  in ADVANCES IN MULTI-PHOTON PROCESSES AND SPECTROSCOPY, VOL 17, Ed. S. H. Lin, A. A. Villaeys and Y. Fujimura, World Scientific, 2006.


3.      C. D. Lin and F. Martin , “Slow and fast collisions of atoms, ions and molecules”,   in  Encyclopedia of Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science, Eds. P. Sabatier and E.R. Pike, Academic Press, 2001.


4.      C. D. Lin and Toru Morishita, "Visualization of electron correlations in doubly and triply excited states of atoms"  in  Photodetachment and Photoionization, edited by C.Y. Ng, Part II, pp1161-1203. World Scientific, Singapore, 1999.


5.      C. D. Lin " Hyperspherical coordinate approach to Coulomb three-body systems", edited by C. Cisnero and T. Morgan. World Scientific, p.14 (1995).


6.      C. D. Lin, "Classifications and Properties of Doubly excited states of atoms", in  Review of Fundamental Processes and Applications of Atoms and Ions , edited by C. D. Lin, World Scientific Pub. (1993).



7.      C. D. Lin, "Theoretical Studies of Heavy Particle Collisions," in  Fundamental Processes of Atomic Dynamics, Plenum, 1988, edited by Briggs et al.,


8.      C. D. Lin, "Classification of Doubly Excited States of Two-Electron Atoms," in Fundamental Processes of Atomic Dynamics, Plenum, 1988 edited by Briggs et al.,


9.      C. D. Lin "The study of atomic three-body problems in hyperspherical coordinates,  in Few body methods: Principles and applications, World Scientific, Singapore, (1986), edited by T. K. Lim, C. G. Bao, D. P. Hou and H. S. Huber.












Invited Talks, Seminars and Colloquia (2005-2012)


2012   Invited talks and colloquia

 Gordon Conf for photoionization, Galveston, TX (2/12-17)

 Gordon Conf for multiphoton ionization, Mt Holyoke, Mass (6/3-8)

 Colloquium at Wayne State University (4/12-13)

 Seminars:  National Taiwan University, (1/5/12)

                  National Tsinghua University (1/16/12)

                  Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (9/5/12)

                            ETH, Zurich, Switzerland  (ETH FAST Fellow) (9/11/12, two lectures)

                            ETH, Zurich, Switzerland  (ETH FAST Fellow) (9/12/12, two lectures)

                               Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Taipei, Taiwan (10/15/12)

                    Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan (10/18/12)

                      Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan  (11/29/12)

                      RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan  (12/5/12)

                     Tokyo University, Sendai, Japan (12/6/2012)

                     University of Electrocommunications, Tokyo, Japan (12/7/2012)

                      National ChiaoTung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan  (  12/22/2012)

                      National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (12/27/2012)



2011   Invited talks and colloquia

   3rd Attosecond Conference, Hokkaido, Japan (7/6-8)

   (e,2e) and double photoionization, Dublin, Ireland (8/4-6)

   ISUIL 10, Eisenach, Germany (10/16-21)

   Seminars:  Universitie Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (5/12/11)

                      Politec University of Milano, Italy  (5/30/11)




2010   Invited talks and colloquia

  CECAM conference at UCL, London, UK (6/23-25)

  Ultra-fast Atomic Physics, Bad Honnef, Germany (8/18-22)

  International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics(8/23-27)

  AMO Summer school in Taiwan (8/30-9/2)

  International conference on many particle spectroscopy, Sendai, Japan (9/4-7)

  Colloquia at University of Saravejo, Bosnia & Herzgovina (6/7)




2009 Invited:  at Ultra-fast dynamics imaging, Ischia, Italy (4/29-5/3)

         Invited: at DAMOP meeting, Univ. of  Virginia, Virginia (5/19-23)

         Seminar: University of Aarhus, Denmark (5/26)

         Invited:  Atoms and Molecules in intense fields, Sandbjerg, Denmark(5/27/29)

         Invited:  Super Intense Laser-Atom Physics 2009, Zion National Park, Utah  (9/21-23)

         Seminar:  National Research Council, Ottawa  (10/23)

         Invited:   Quantum Dynamic Imaging, Montreal, Canada (10/18-22)

         Seminar:  Ohio State University  (11/13)

         Seminar:  SLAC and Stanford University  (11/30)

         Invited chair:  The future of ultrafast soft x-ray science, Berkeley  (12/1-3)


2007  Colloquium: National Taiwan University, Taiwan   (1/9)

         Seminar:  National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (1/11)

         Colloquium: National Central University, Taiwan (3/16)

         Seminar:     Saclay, France      (5/14)

         Seminar:   Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany (5/23)

         Invited:  German Society of Physics summer school, Bad Hoennef (5/20-25)

         Invited:  Attosecond Physics, Dresden, Germany (8/1-5)

         Invited:  Science for a New Class of soft X-ray light source, Berkeley (10/8-10)

         Colloquium: University of Nebraska (10/18)

         Seminar:       University of Nebraska (10/19)


2006  Invited:   AMO Theory workshop, Tsinghua University, Taiwan (1/9)

         Invited:  PCPM2006, Tsukuba, Japan   (1/17-19)

         Invited:  Ultrafast dynamic imaging, Imperial College, London (4/9-11)

         Seminar: Vienna University of Technology, Vienna  (6/10)

         Seminar:  Max Planck Institute for complex systems, Dresden (6/13)

         Colloquium: Max Born Institute, Berlin  (6/14)

         Invited:  X-ray free-electron lasers, ITAMP, Harvard university  (6/19-21)

         Invited:  KITP-attosecond workshop, Santa Barbara, California  (8/1-4)

         Invited:   AMO summer school in Taiwan, Tsinghua, Taiwan (8/20-24)

         Seminar: National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan (8/22)

         Invited:   Optical Society Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY (10/8-12)


2005  Invited:  Strong field attosecond physics, Obergurgl, Austria (1/13)

           Colloquium: University of Electrocommunications (1/18)

           Seminar:  Riken, Japan  (1/19)

           Invited:   Atomic processes in intense laser fields (1/21)

           Invited:   Canadian Association of Physicists Congress,Vancouver (5/19)

           Invited:  ICOMP2005, Orford, Quebec, Canada (10/7-9)