Hydrogen atom




Large metal plate, driven up and down.  put sand on it and the places that it doesn’t move are nodes


Wave function depends on (radius, angle and time) *partial diff. equation


They knew how to figure waves out with Newtonian physics


Then they could identify element with their spectrum with their wavelengths

So we could figure out what the stars are made of


1870s spectrum of hydrogen was measured very well and we knew where the lines and the wavelengths  came together

High school teacher - Balmer figured out that the successive wavelengths


At this point it was just a puzzle


Rutherford said there was a nucleus


Bohr says that if the angular momentum of the electron is quantized

Figured out that the energies



Lyman series n->1

Balmer series n->2



But no one could understand anything else about other elements


1925.                  Heisenberg

Got PhD barely

Then he got hay fever really bad afterward

Founded quantum mechanics from making tables


Max Born realized that he was using matrixes

He called it matrix mechanics


Hilbert- great mathematician

Turn them into partial differential equations


Schrodinger came up with his equation using the partial differential equation  


Schrodinger found that if he found that there was a connection about heisenburg's tables and Schrödinger's wave function


19025-1930  Then people were happy and people found wave functions for everything


The laws of chemistry were the laws of quantum mechanics


(if there's a frequency f1 and f2, then you could find a frequency f3 that was f1 + f2


Relativistic corrections by Dirac