From meV - TeV



Daily life


J/10^23 atoms - 10^-4 eV


300 K = 1/40 eV = 25 eV

Rotation of molecules

Far IR

Vibrations of molecules

Near IR




1 eV = 12,000 K


1.9-3.4 eV is visible


13.58 eV IP of Hydrogen


Fine structure constant = 1/137 for low energy


We know that the speed of light is correct and does not vary from eclipsing binary stars and seeing white light


 Inner Shell Atoms



1 KeV  = 12x10^6 K


P + P = (np) + e+ + v


100 KeV = 1 MeV

Affects the nucleus

100 MeV = 1 GeV

Neutrons and protons



Hot things glow

But what keeps them hot?

Nuclear fusion of the sun

Quantum mechanics - protons repelled





GeV - TeV  = 12x10^12



Standard model


Cosmic rays -  10^20 eV


High energy physics - cosmology


CMB - 3K - meV