Neville Reay

Dr. Neville Reay


The Ohio State University


Clickers in Classrooms

Monday, April 21, 2008

4:00 p.m.

Cardwell 102



Our physics education research group has implemented and studied a new methodology for using electronic response devices, or clickers, in lecture classrooms.  By the end of calendar 2008, question sequences sufficient to cover all major concepts in introductory physics will have been created, validated and evaluated.  Our results show that students really appreciate using clickers: even in large lectures, 98% of them participate in the active learning process and exhibit significant learning gains.

In this talk, the audience will use clickers to answer sample physics sequences, and will have “hands on” opportunities to see why students enjoy using them. Validation interview clips will be shown, as well as results from a year-long program of evaluation. Data obtained while implementing pre/post testing in a variety of ways will demonstrate that care is required in applying this accepted technique.  Finally, we’ll outline our future clicker plans.