Gary Wysin
Kansas State University Physics
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Summer 2008

"Vortex switching in nanomagnetic structures"

Abstract---Due to long-range dipolar coupling, a thin nanomagnet of adequate size can support a single vortex ground state. Placing one or more holes in the magnet, on which a vortex will be pinned energetically, control over the vortex position and circulation can be obtained, which can lead to designs for switching or memory devices. The REU project would involve programming energy minimization and Monte Carlo simulations for this kind of model.

See the short introductory presentation to this topic.

Image at right: A strong current points into the page through the hole, causing reversal of the circulation of the vortex pinned on the hole, by the production of both a positive and negative vortex that exit the system! The initial circulation was counterclockwise. The currrent forces clockwsie circulation to be lower energy. The spin configuration was produced by a Monte Carlo simulation. ------>

Some Research Resources on Vortices in Magnetic Nanodots

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Last update: Thursday May 22 2008.
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