Spring 2000, Electrodynamics II

   TU      12:30pm to 1:45pm  Cardwell 146


   Textbook:        Heald and Marion, "Classical Electromagnetic Radiation", 3rd ed.
          we will start with chapter 8
   References:      Jackson, "Classical Electrodynamics", 2nd ed.

       1.  Homework ( 50%)
       Four or Five problems will be assigned for each week.  They are to be
       returned on the due date.  The assignment is given in this homework link .
       Late work will not be collected.

           You are encouraged to discuss the problems with your fellow students. I
      will check the effort of each student on each problem. I will then select a number
      of students to make presentation of the solution to the class and these students will
      get additional credits.

       2.  One mid-term exam  (25% each): the week of  3/13-17

        3.   Final exam    (25%)

   Midterm exam and class announcements:

1. The midterm exam will be closed-book questions. You are allowed to bring with
     you ONE page of equations which you can use.

     The main point is that you need to review the material we have covered, not just
   the homework problems. Questions will come mostly from the lecture notes and from
   the homework. Do not expect solutions requiring lengthy mathematics.
    The exam is scheduled for Thursday, March 16, from 12:30pm-1:45pm in
    Cardwell Hall 146.

2.  Rules of Students' lectures
     1. The lecturer should bring the prepared notes (after my approval) to Deanna. She
          will make the copies which the lecturer will distribute to the class before the lecture.
         Only present the essential equations, figures and explanations in your notes. You are
         NOT expected to lecture by reading your notes.

      2.  After each lecture, the audience is to grade the quality of the presentation. Hand in
           your grading right after the lecture.
           Give the grade from 1 to 5, with 5 the highest. Sign your name. At the end
           I will normalize the grading giving by each student. So just be consistent. You
           can make comments which I will pass on to the lecturer.

       3.  I will grade the notes you presented to the class. Each lecture should not have more
         than 6 pages unless more figures are used. The absolute maximum is 8 pages.

  3.  For the rest of this semester

        No homework will be assigned any more. The lecture notes and the grading from the
    students on your lecture will be account for half of the total homework grade.

         The final will include material covered optics only.